The McCandless Democratic Committee presented a $1,000.00 scholarship to Jason Hu at a special celebratory meeting, Tuesday June 2th, 2015 at the McCandless Town Hall.
Jason Hu has been an active member of several musical organizations, speech and debate, mock trial, and the Junior Classical League. He has volunteered at the Northland Public Library, and in other capacities as a member of Key Club. He will attend Yale University in the fall.
"Public education is one of the most important values of the Democratic Party, and we wanted to support civic-minded students in our area," said Ms. Amatangelo. "It has been a pleasure to meet so many bright young men and women who are politically engaged, and who volunteer in the community."
In the past ten years, the McCandless Democratic Committee has given out more than $15,000 in scholarships and honoraria. Ms. Amatangelo noted, "Some years we have so many students who are worthy of the scholarship, we give additional smaller awards. This year we awarded three honoraria of $250 each." Past recipients of the scholarship have gone on to study political science, journalism, social work, and public health, among others.
The annual scholarship is awarded to a North Allegheny senior who is a registered Democrat or child of a Democrat. The applicants are evaluated based on their civic engagement, academic achievement, and an essay about an issue from the Democratic platform.
Ms. Amatangelo is a former staff member of North Allegheny School District. Her scholarship committee is comprised of two other former NA teachers, and a professor at CCAC. The McCandless Democratic Committee also volunteers at the North Hills Community Outreach, and raises money for other charities.
We also presented honorariums to three outstanding seniors:
Zachary Anderson
Maria Graziano
Casey Mrazik
Thank you for your interest in our scholarship. We wish all of North Allegheny's Seniors success in their future endeavors.
We are also honored to have Pavara Ranatunga, the 2012 winner, come back to update us on his college experience at Penn State University.
We would like to thank the following donors:
Vince & Peggy Amatangelo in memory of Frank Cooper
Vince & Peggy Amatangelo in memory of George Senka
Gina Anetakis
Ronald Brown
Barb Cornibe
Elizabeth Coyne
Joyceann Ditka
Donald & Kathryn Green
Melody Hannegan
James Harpur
Steven B. Larchuk
Ann Logue
Shirley Novak
The Pasternak Family
Dave & Pat Sobien
William Tjader
Western PA Laborers'
The Scholarship Committee
Peggy Amatangelo, Chairperson
Joyceann Ditka
Melody Hannegan
Jennifer Rapach